Alchemy of Sound

refers to a process of creation, combination, and ultimately of transformation. The combination of the vibrations of the sound healing instruments and their various musical intervals, along with the intentions of the therapist and client, can be used to help transform the client’s mental, emotional, spiritual and physical state to that of optimal wellbeing.

"This is a full experience in which one goes into the vibrational space of what is needed in the body. There is no mind, no obstructions, no stories - just receiving and allowing the deep vibrational energy to enter the body in the perfect way. Be still, allow and receive." - P.C, Rome 

book individual or couple's
sound healing sessions below

What are the Benefits?

~ Induces relaxation, and improves the ability to relax

~ Reduces and relieves stress

~ Alleviates aches and pains

~ Improves sleep

~ Increased sense of well-being

~ Releases blocked energy

~ Balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain

Caroline Flavin Crystal Sound Bath