Caroline Flavin is a qualified and professional sound healer with twenty years’ experience in the holistic world, delivering high quality bespoke sound healing sessions using a unique combination of quartz singing bowls, Acutonics Tuning Forks® and Aura-Soma Colour, to bring effortless relaxation to clients and facilitating various relaxation and meditation circles and classes in private, public, community, school and corporate environments.
Caroline Flavin on Ireland AM, 2024
“This is a full experience in which one goes into the vibrational space of what is needed in the body. There is no mind, no obstructions, no stories – just receiving and allowing the deep vibrational energy to enter the body in the perfect way. Be still, allow and receive.” – P.C, Rome

Sound Bath
Imagine being “bathed” by soothing sounds that take you on an inner journey of deep relaxation and transformation. An easy way to meditate.

Sound Healing 1-1
A session tailored to your needs from a holistic perspective: taking into account your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs.

Courses & Classes
Caroline facilitates classes & courses combining participant self-reflection, guided meditation, Aura-Soma Colour and Sound Healing.
Client feedback
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