Alchemy of Voice

Caroline’s journey with music came at an early age as a young girl singing in church groups and choirs and performing on stage. In recent years, besides studying sound as a medium for healing, she dove into studying the deep tones of jazz and blues, completing a diploma in vocal studies.

Caroline held sacred space for years for a dedicated healing women’s drumming circle, primarily using the drum to create, in the moment, a tapestry of voice and sound, facilitating a connection to the inner fountain of creativity in spontaneous expression, a flow of voice in celebration and song. Caroline has collaborated in many ways with musicians and therapists for a variety of voice and spiritual workshops, and more recently collaborated with Irish musicians on a meditative CD called “All is Well”.

The All is Well

Project Album

All is Well is a timely opportunity to spread the positive news that we can embody our soul qualities now by musically and vocally impulsing them on the waters within. And, by connecting our inner waterways with the lakes, rivers, waterfalls and oceans, we can spread the message of peace, freedom and autonomy throughout.

The masterful percussion of Éamonn Cagney, the smoothly melodic guitar of Fergal O’Connor, the ethereal voice of Caroline Flavin and the deep, soothing meditations of Patricia Carmody will connect you to the overflowing and abundant Holy Well that you are.

‘Beauty Way’

I wrote this song ‘Beauty Way’ during a spiritual journey tracing the steps of Saint Colmcille in Donegal, led by Patricia Carmody. Inspired in an Grianán of Aileach, or the ‘temple of the sun’, this song is a tribute to the sacred union of masculine and feminine energies, to the sun and the moon, and merges with a Navajo traditional prayer called “The Beauty Way”, reminding us that beauty and Divine Love is always all around us.

‘Beauty Way’ is tuned to 432HZ, a frequency that is believed to put us in a wonderful state of calm where relaxation is natural. Many believe that the correct middle A is 432 Hz (instead of 440HZ) because it has a pure tone of math fundamental to nature and is mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe, vibrating with Phi, the Golden Ratio.


Caroline, when you are on stage you are captivating… you command attention and you definitely get it. I am so happy that you shared all of that on our stage. So beautiful. Please, please be encouraged to continue to shine your light with any and everybody that will listen…they will not be disappointed!!

– Dii Lewis, Nuyorican Poets Cafe, New York

“A beautiful & soul-stirring singer

– Fergal O’Conor, singer-songwriter