Sound Baths Group


Please bring a yoga mat, a blanket and a pillow for your head. As you will be lying down for around 45 minutes, if you think your knees may need support, bring a towel or blanket. Bring water, stay hydrated and where possible, have a relaxing day planned afterwards 😉

Precautions: please read before booking
Sound healing is generally safe to use, however it is not advisable with the following:

  • Pregnancy – the first 12 weeks – instruments can be used off the body only (sound baths okay)
  • Whiplash – Cannot be treated until at least 3 days after injury
  • Consult your Doctor before treatment if you have any of the following:
  • Epilepsy
  • Pacemaker
  • Stent
  • Shunt
  • DBS – deep brain stimulation device
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