
How To Strengthen Your Aura Using Pomanders

For the most powerful and positive impact on your aura, follow the sequence outlined below with your chosen Pomander.

1. Make sure you’re standing, with space around you
2. Place three drops in the palm of your left hand and rub both palms together
3. Stretch your arms straight above your head, with palms facing each other. Imagine the flow of energy from the left hand into the right hand
4. Bring your hand towards each other and move them slowly around one another without touching, keeping them above your head
5. Then, join the palms together, palm to palm, remaining above your head
6. Keeping them together, bring your hands slowly down, past your face, to your heart
7. Place one hand over the other on your heart and pause for a few seconds
8. When you’re ready, bring your hands apart and bend slowly to touch the ground, letting the energy flow into the earth
9. When you’re ready to close the sequence, stand up and bring your hands up to your mouth and nose. Take three breaths deep into the temple of the body

NOTE: It is preferable to pass the Pomander through the aura before inhaling as this allows the alcohol to evaporate before you breathe in. Do not apply to broken, irritated or sensitive skin. 

White Pomander

KEYNOTE: Cleansing, purifying and protecting. Use when wanting to open a space for new beginnings to bring in the light.
FRAGRANCE: Medicinal, Warm, Stimulating
QUALITIES: Vicky Wall referred to this as the ‘Original White Pomander', as it was the first one to be developed, with all 49 (7x7) herbs in equal balance. White helps clear spaces and brings the light into any situation. Helps to protect the chakras and the whole electro-magnetic •field, bringing clarity in times of stress. Ideal for clearing and cleansing crystals. As well as being used with the aura, it may also be used in any space to clean atmospheres, bring in the light, and renew energies. It purifies and renews, helping us make space for new beginnings.
Essential Oils*: Calendula, Bergamot, Cypress, Wintergreen, Lavender, Myrrh (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Opal, Clear Quartz
Chakra: All 7 chakras
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 20ml & 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Pink Pomander

KEYNOTE: Love and self-acceptance which brings warmth and caring for self and others.
FRAGRANCE: Floral And Sweet
QUALITIES: May help to create a loving and warm atmosphere and acceptance of self, as well as harmonising and amplifying positive group energy. May attract the energy of love into the aura and help to radiate love outward. May also stimulate creativity.
Essential Oils*: Rose Geranium, Tuberose, Rose (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Rose Quartz
Chakra: Relates to the red of the 1st/Root chakra, as well as the heart chakra.
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Coral Pomander

KEYNOTE: Love Wisdom, to love and care in a new way.
FRAGRANCE: Floral, Spicy, Musky
QUALITIES: An awakening pomander that can bring a deep sense of joy. Can help us to love and care for the self in a new way, encouraging us to be being kinder to ourselves in all situations. Heals the timeline and moves us closer to synchronicity. May help to bring us back into the flow of our lives with acceptance and joy. Stimulates a spirit of co-operation and an understanding of interdependence.
Essential Oils*: Bergamot, Sweet Orange, Mandarin, Cedarwood (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Calcite, Zincite, Topaz, Fire Opal, Carnelian
Chakra: Area between the 1st/root chakra and the 2nd/sacral chakra which relates specifically to the electromagnetic field, the first layer of the aura surrounding the physical body.
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Deep Red Pomander

KEYNOTE: Grounding with earth energies and strongly re-energising. Use when you feel tired or as a protection in situations when your energy may be depleted.
FRAGRANCE: Earthy, Woody, Spicy
QUALITIES: A grounding energy that may help us to be more connected with the earth; may also be helpful to restore and harmonise the base chakra and bring grounding after meditation, re-balancing work or extreme situations. Warming and energising, can have an aphrodisiac effect. May stimulate feminine intuition and protect the integrity of the aura during sacred rituals and use of crystals. May also help to deal with survival issues (money, health) in a more relaxed and practical way. Can be used in house or space clearing particularly as an air conditioner to help neutralise the energies of the environment.
Essential Oils*: Hypericum, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Clove C (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Tourmaline
Chakra: Relates to the 1st/Root or Base Chakra (reproductive area)
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 20ml & 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Pale Coral Pomander

KEYNOTE: Acceptance. Strong emphasis on relationship, supports the collective working together towards a common goal.
FRAGRANCE: Warm, Spicy, Stimulating
QUALITIES: The Pale Coral Pomander enables us to give love and wisdom to the world. In order to do this we need to accept ourselves as we are and be ‘awake’. Pale Coral Pomander helps us to love the parts of ourselves that we have given negative attention to, in order to be able to love ourselves a little more, to be more kind to ourselves. When we recognise the parts of ourselves that we have not loved so much and realise they are integral to our being we can recognise that when there has been a shift it is often a negative experience that we have learnt from.
Essential Oils*: Lily of the Valley, Amyris, Ylang Ylang, Cinnamon Leaf, Bergamot (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Orange Calcite, Zincite, Topaz, Fire Opal, Carnelian, Ruby Zoisite, Coral
Chakra: Area between the 1st/root chakra and the 2nd/sacral chakra which relates specifically to the electromagnetic field, the first layer of the aura surrounding the physical body.
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Orange Pomander

KEYNOTE: Restores balance and stimulates deep insight. Use this essence to let go of the negative effect of past trauma.
FRAGRANCE: Fruity, Spicy, Citrus-Fresh
QUALITIES: May help us to release energies from the past. May restore balance to the etheric body which can help to bring new awareness and clearing in the present. Orange may enable us to let go and accept all that is going on around us. May be helpful in group or workshop situations, or the coming together for balancing and harmonising of difficult life situations.
Essential Oils*: Mandarin, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Sweet Orange (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Calcite, Zincite, Fire Opal, Carnelian
Chakra: 2nd/Sacral Chakra (navel area & periphery of body)
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 20ml & 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Gold Pomander

KEYNOTE: Deep joy in reconnecting with innate and collective wisdom.
FRAGRANCE: Floral, Fruity, Woody
QUALITIES: Represents the connection with our incarnational star, our innate wisdom, and finding abundance and the possibility for deep joy within ourselves. The gold may bring a deep level of nourishment and self-acceptance, helping to reconnect our inner truths with ancient wisdoms. This supports the release of patterns of the past, which may enable us to understand what lies behind our perceptions of life. As the solar plexus relaxes, we may connect with our True Aura to receive information about our reason and purpose for being. In a group environment, may help to bring a sense of ease and the possibility that the whole group may become more clear and purposeful.
Essential Oils*: Lemongrass, Tuberose, Verbena, Frankincense (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Calcite, Zincite, Topaz
Chakra: Area between the 2nd/Sacral Chakra and 3rd/Solar Plexus. Relates to the location of the incarnational star or true aura, just above the navel and a little way inside. Has a significant relationship with the 6th chakra, the royal blue.
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Yellow Pomander

KEYNOTE: Fun, laughter and self-knowledge. Use when you want to bring in a fresh approach or to bring back the sunshine or for reducing negativity, fear or anxiety.
FRAGRANCE: Fruity, Lemony, Forest
QUALITIES: This pomander carries the joyful, sparkling energy of sunlight and revitalisation and may help to access the inner light of intuition and self-knowledge. Useful in all situations where there is a lack of sunlight to brighten the atmosphere around us. May also help to assimilate the life-force energies of Prana through the solar plexus and bring the joy back into life. As an air conditioner has been known to help to revitalise and uplift group energies and dynamics.
Essential Oils: Lemongrass, Citronella, Melisssa, Verbena
Crystal Energies: Topaz
Chakra: 3rd/Solar Plexus
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 20ml & 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Olive Green Pomander

KEYNOTE: Intuitive leadership from the heart. Cleansing and refreshing
FRAGRANCE: Fresh, Herbal, Woody
QUALITIES: Relates to the feeling-being: may encourage feminine leadership from the heart, co-operation, standing for one’s truth and heartful decision-making. May also stimulate feminine compassion, intuition and the ability to create a natural balance between inner and outer space as situations and circumstances arise. May assist us in letting go of the past, that we may find the sweetness of spirit. May help to cleanse, clear and freshen the atmosphere around oneself, among groups and between client sessions.
Essential Oils*: Bergamot, Pine, Rosemary, Rose Geranium, Lavender (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Emerald, Chrysoprase
Chakra: Area, or bridge, between 3rd/Solar Plexus and 4th/Heart Chakra.
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Emerald Green Pomander

KEYNOTE: Truth and direction, the decision maker. Finding one’s own space, going to the heart of things. Use when you need your own space for decision making and when entering new environments.
FRAGRANCE: Fresh, Herbal, Woody
QUALITIES: Relates to the feeling-being and may help to calm, centre and support our heart-truths. May help to bring an inner expansion and clarity of communication in one’s feelings; may assist in finding our own way, coming to new decisions and directions at important crossroads. May be helpful with all issues of space, including respecting space for oneself or another, or becoming more grounded when we are feeling spaced-out. May stimulate a deep link with nature, especially trees. May also help to cleanse and freshen the atmosphere around oneself, among groups and between client sessions. May be of assistance in stimulating awareness for beginning seekers.
Essential Oils*: Rosemary, Bergamot, Menthol (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Emerald, Chrysoprase
Chakra: 4th/Heart Chakra
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 20ml & 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Turquoise Pomander

KEYNOTE: Heartfelt Communicator. Creativity and playfulness
FRAGRANCE: Sweet, Spicy, Fresh
QUALITIES: May assist with creative inspiration and communication from the feeling side of our being. Called the Aquarian Pomander, it may also facilitate the transmission of ancient wisdoms within a new consciousness. May help to enhance communication of all kinds - from crystals and nature spirits to mass media, computers and silica technologies.
Essential Oils*: Myrrh, Jasmine, Peppermint, Sandalwood, Bergamot (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Turquoise
Chakra: The Ananda Khanda chakra, located on the right side of the chest, which stimulates the opening of the heart. Encompasses the area between the 4th/Heart and 5th/Throat Chakras.
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Sapphire Blue Pomander

KEYNOTE: The Communication Protector. Peace and communication
FRAGRANCE: Sweet, Woodsy
QUALITIES: May support the highest communication of love, fostering inspirational and devotional aspects that come from within us and helping to find the spiritual within the worldly. May deepen a sense of calm and personal peace, helping us to become more available for our true occupations of purpose and service. May also be supportive in transition phases such as re-birthing work or letting go at a very deep level and helping us to see the Divine Plan in all things. May help to bring a calming atmosphere supportive for teachers and public speakers. (Note: contains strong peppermint content so care should be taken not to neutralise homeopathic treatments if used in combination.)
Essential Oils*: Myrrh, Lavender, Chamomile, Peppermint, Menthol, Eucalyptus (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Sapphire, Quartz, Blue Lace Agate
Chakra: 5th/Throat Chakra
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 100ml Glass Bottle
Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Royal Blue Pomander

KEYNOTE: The Perception Strengthener. Infinite possibilities and inner seeing
FRAGRANCE: Sweet, Woody-Fresh
QUALITIES: May help to foster the development of inner seeing and protection for higher mind functions and communications such as inspirational receiving, clairvoyance and telepathy. May amplify perceptions of all the senses and stimulate imagination and intuition. May also enhance sensitivity and appreciation of music and sound, including chanting, toning and mantras. (Note: contains strong peppermint content so care should be taken not to neutralise homeopathic treatments if used in combination).
Essential Oils*: Myrrh, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Rose (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Sapphire, Fire Opal
Chakra: 6th/Brow & Third Eye
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Violet Pomander

KEYNOTE: Calm and balancing, bringing ‘the sweetness of Spirit’.
QUALITIES: May help to bring calm and connection with higher realms and spirit, helping to reveal our mission and purpose as service in the world. May assist meditation and the transformative process. The use of this pomander may also bring a deep level of nurturing and peace at times of extreme loss. May help to open the eyes of the heart and soul to see the miracles that inhabit the everyday world. Vicky used to refer to this pomander as the sweetness of Spirit.
Essential Oils*: Eucalyptus, Ylang Ylang, Rose, Violet, Iris, Lavender (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Amethyst, Charoite
Chakra: 7th/Crown
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Deep Magenta Pomander

KEYNOTE: The Carer's Carer. Serving humanity with energised compassion and deep caring.
QUALITIES: Fosters energised compassion, deep caring and love from above, especially for those who give much energy and care to others. May help to do the little things in life with higher attention and care; may also harmonise intellect and instinct to bring consciousness and understanding on all levels. May be helpful in energising and soothing the subtle fields after long periods of energy depletion. Deep meditative states and tuning into nature may also be stimulated by the use of this pomander.
Essential Oils*: Ylang Ylang, Chinese Cedarwood, Myrrh, Lavender, Clary Sage, Rose (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Rose Quartz, Tourmaline, Rubelite, Opal
Chakra: 8th/just above Crown and relating to one’s Soul Star
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.

Magenta Pomander

KEYNOTE: Love from above. As I offer this sacred substance to myself, for myself, I love myself and feel the love from above
QUALITIES: The Love from Above, brings down the energy of our soul into or towards the physicality. The sense that above us, above the crown, is the source of love and this Pomander acts as a reminder that we can access the love from above. Practically it is to put our love and attention into all that we do, not simply in the form of awareness/mindfulness but also the degree of care that can or might go into all the inanimate objects we handle. Whatever we practice in the little things then that same awareness might be available in the bigger things.
Essential Oils*: Rose Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Rose (*organic or bio-dynamically grown)
Crystal Energies: Rose Quartz, Watermelon Tourmaline
Chakra: 8th above the crown and the Soul Star
Pomander: 25ml Plastic Bottle
Air Conditioner: 100ml Glass Bottle

Information and Image © Aura-Soma products Ltd.